Elections 2025: Appeals

Elections 2025: Appeals

This form must be used to submit a formal appeal. Complaints are sent directly to the Deputy Returning Officer (DRO) for deliberation.

The DRO will hear any appeal made.

If the DRO reaches the decision that the complaint should be upheld, they can either agree with the original decision or decide to increase or decrease the original penalty imposed.

If a candidate submits an appeal to a punishment levied by the DRO the punishment in question is suspended until the DRO rules on the appeal. i.e. a campaigning ban does not start until the DRO has ruled.

In the event that the Deputy Returning Officer rejects the Appeal and chooses to uphold the original punishment (or increase the severity of said punishment), and there is insufficient time to carry out the punishment, the candidate may be excluded from the election.

In most cases, the Deputy Returning Officer’s ruling will be made within 1 working day of the appeal being received and notified within 24 hours of the ruling being made. In extraordinary cases, additional time may be required and the candidate(s) in question will be notified of this.

Decisions of the DRO may be appealed to the Returning Officer at NUS, in which case the same process as above will be followed. Due to the fact that NUS provide this service for multiple Unions, this may take additional time to process. The Returning Officer's decision is final.

We thank you for your patience in the process!